
Individual PLAB Package for Purchase

Each PLAB - Virtual Lab simulation in the list below can be purchased as a standalone product, granting access for one account. You can select each simulation, log in to view, and interact with the experiment just as you would in a real laboratory.

PLAB offers students the opportunity to experience each laboratory experiment in a simulated environment and perform all the necessary actions for a better understanding of the experiment.

Simulation by Subject


How do you distunguish between Specific Heat and Latent Heat ? Conduct experiments to get a clear understanding of these concepts.



Water Displacement

Demonstrate what makes a boat sink or float on various water bodies. Objective is to impact better understanding of buoyancy.



Bell Jar

Objective is to understand how sound travels in different medium. A sound producing device is used that sends out a beep every second. Watch how sound waves travel in Air. When sound is sucked out of a bell jar containing the sound device, watch what happens to the volume of sound. Does sound propagate in vacuum ? Compare speed of Sound waves in air with that in water and in a solid steel rod.



Reflection of Sound

Hear your voice rebound or reverberate. We take you on a journey to the mountains where play creator. Summon up mountains, grow trees and yell. Will you hear your voice rebound ? You also get to yell in a concert hall to understand the wonderful effects of reverberation Lastly - we put you on a mission to identify enemy submarines from a warship, using SONAR.

