
Individual PLAB Package for Purchase

Each PLAB - Virtual Lab simulation in the list below can be purchased as a standalone product, granting access for one account. You can select each simulation, log in to view, and interact with the experiment just as you would in a real laboratory.

PLAB offers students the opportunity to experience each laboratory experiment in a simulated environment and perform all the necessary actions for a better understanding of the experiment.

Simulation by Subject

Electric Current

Objective here is to help a user explain (or understand) the difference between conventional direction of current versus direction of flow of electrons in a conductor. Students also get to understand why the brightness of a bulb changes when we change an external resistor in the circuit. Interactive aspects include ability to change the conductor, and resistors to see the impact of those changes in the circuit.



DC Motor

Objective here is to show the workings of a DC motor, and explain what makes a coil to rotate, as well as change its speed. Fleming’s Left Hand is used to explain the direction of motion of the coil, in conjunction with force acting upon the coil. A user is allowed to “play with” the DC motor parts and understand the impact of changes they make to those parts.



Magnetic Field & Force

Understand the concept of Magnetic field. Produce and play with it using magnet and eletrical circuits. Produce magnetic field through various conductors. Induce magnetic field from various methods. Generate electricity in an environment friendly manner.



Bending of Light

Objective is to demonstrate how light bends (due to refraction or reflection) when it travels from medium to another. Explore what happens when light moves from rarer to denser medium, and vice-versa. Understand when does refraction take place, versus total internal reflection. Snell's law comes in handy to understand the concept of bending of light. Additionally learn how a change of medium causes an impact to bending of light. Concept of refractive index is elucidated. Watch what happens to the angle of refraction when medium is changed.




Split white light into 7 colors, and and reassemble them to form white light again !! Welcome to the wonderful world of prisms. Refract light under various conditions, including that when your prism is immersed in a liquid. Change the shape of your prism as well and check out the impacts of doing so.

