
Individual PLAB Package for Purchase

Each PLAB - Virtual Lab simulation in the list below can be purchased as a standalone product, granting access for one account. You can select each simulation, log in to view, and interact with the experiment just as you would in a real laboratory.

PLAB offers students the opportunity to experience each laboratory experiment in a simulated environment and perform all the necessary actions for a better understanding of the experiment.

Simulation by Subject

Measuring Tools

Use Vernier calipers and micrometers to measure dimensions of various objects used in real life. Improve skills on reading these instruments.



Speed, Distance & Time

Plot Speed versus Time and Speed versus Distance graphs as a car is driven through various types of ideal and real-life driving conditions. Concept of ETA (estimated time of arrival) is also elucidated on this simulation



Centripetal Force

Objective here is to help understand the forces acting on an object traveling in a circular motion. A common real life example is taken to depict this scenario. A person standing on a merry-go-round without any support, tries to balance himself in the ride. A curious mind will wonder what causes such a person to slip and fall away from the ride due to various forces acting on him.



Friction-2 (Static and Kinetic Friction)

Use an experimental set up to find the coefficient of kinetic and static friction of different surfaces. Use the graph to understand relation between external force and friction force between object and surface. Apply the force on an object at different angles and check when does the object move ?



Work, Energy, and Power

Explore these concepts in real life scenarios. Explore work done by friction when you make a car skid on different types of surfaces, power of a motor to drive up the elevator, and similalry, all of these quatities in a water park setting. Understand how these concepts are obseved in day to day activities.




How do you distunguish between Specific Heat and Latent Heat ? Conduct experiments to get a clear understanding of these concepts.



Atmospheric Pressure (Kinetic Theory of Gases)

Pump some gas moleculed into a closed chamber. Observe what happens when you vary any of the temperature, pressure, and Volume of the container. Practice and understand tge degree of freedom of any gas molecule. Pou mercury in a U-shaped tube and observe the fluctuating height when the tube is moved vertically. Fill the gas in a bike tyre and run it in different weather to understand Volume and Pressure dependence on Temperature.



Simple Pendulum

If you thought a simple pendulum is boring... think again. ScholAR attempts to ignite excitement into this seemingly theoretical topic. Concepts as well as applications of pendulum are explored to intensify the learning process

