
Individual PLAB Package for Purchase

Each PLAB - Virtual Lab simulation in the list below can be purchased as a standalone product, granting access for one account. You can select each simulation, log in to view, and interact with the experiment just as you would in a real laboratory.

PLAB offers students the opportunity to experience each laboratory experiment in a simulated environment and perform all the necessary actions for a better understanding of the experiment.

Simulation by Subject


Push a heavy box on different types of surfaces to get a feel of strong frictional forces. Understand how oil and grease can help you overcome friction. If you thought friction exist only on solid surfaces, think again. We take you to a lake to find out what friction means in water. And we let you get a feel of air drag for objects experiencing a free fall.



Bell Jar

Objective is to understand how sound travels in different medium. A sound producing device is used that sends out a beep every second. Watch how sound waves travel in Air. When sound is sucked out of a bell jar containing the sound device, watch what happens to the volume of sound. Does sound propagate in vacuum ? Compare speed of Sound waves in air with that in water and in a solid steel rod.




Set off earthquakes with varying intensities and watch how P-Wave and S-Wave travel across earth's layers. Also witness the impact of higher intensities (Richter) of earthquakes on buildings on the surface of earth. Understand the importance of Hypocenter and Epicenter, and how they relate to earthquake intensities.




There are ice particles in clouds which become charged due to vibrations. Move clouds and generate lightning between clusters of positive and negative charge. Understand the difference in intensity of Lightning in the three cases.

