Quizzes – Age Group 12 – 15 (7 questions)
1 / 7
“The following commands are used to make Leanbot perform a sequence of actions. Select all the correct outcomes:
LbMotion.runLR(-400, -400);
2 / 7
“Which of the following best describes the Internet of Things (IoT)?”
3 / 7
Match the following Leanbot actions with the corresponding commands:
Description: Leanbot uses commands to perform actions. Actions like picking up objects and controlling movement are executed by specific commands.
4 / 7
“Robots can be programmed to perform repetitive tasks more efficiently than humans.”
5 / 7
“Which of the following is a key principle of ethical AI?”
6 / 7
“The following code is written to make Leanbot pick up an object, rotate left, and stop. However, there is a bug in the sequence. Identify and fix the bug:
LbMotion.runLR(+400, +400);
(LbMotion.runLR(vL, vR) specifies the speed of the left (vL) and right (vR) wheels.
What change(s) are needed to make the program work as intended?”
7 / 7
Complete the command sequence to make Leanbot rotate right and stop:
Description: Leanbot uses commands like LbMotion.runLR(vL,vR) to control movement, where vL and vR are speeds for the left and right wheels.
Choose 1 of 4 content sections in the Word List to fill in the blanks (type by hand or copy).
Word List: