
Combo PLAB Package for Purchase

Purchase a combined package comprising all the PLAB - Virtual Lab simulations for a specific grade to save both cost and time.

Upon purchasing this package, you gain access to all the items within that package, conveniently located in one place, and can use them without any restrictions for one year.

PLAB provides students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in each laboratory experiment within a simulated environment, allowing them to undertake all necessary actions for a deeper understanding of the experiments.


Speed, Distance & Time

Plot Speed versus Time and Speed versus Distance graphs as a car is driven through various types of ideal and real-life driving conditions. Concept of ETA (estimated time of arrival) is also elucidated on this simulation


Electric Current & its Effects

Designing and creating circuits could never have been more fun. In a safe environment, explore how a fuse works. Play with more such real applications of circuits in our daily lives.



Does light travel in a straight line or can it bend ? Try bending a tunnel to check this out for yourselves. Build a periscope to help a sailor navigate a submarine. Put your concepts of light through more such exciting applications. You get to be a detective as well as you decode a cryptic message and destroy the evidence - using nothing but concepts of light !!


Light and Shadow

Does light travel through certain objects ? How are shadows formed ? Is Eclipse a form of a shadow ? Get answers to these type of questions and much more, as you play with lights and shadows. And yes, you get to make your own pin hole camera as well !!


Fun with Magnets

Magnets are fun to play with anyway, aren't they ? This simulation is designed to take the fun element to a greater level while strengthening your concepts on magnetization and de-magnetization
